Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First Attempt at a B-day Banner

Thank heavens for little girls.  My little baby girl turned one a couple of weeks ago.  She is such a sweetheart. I love that we are great little friends and look forward to spending lots of time together.  She hasn't been feeling well lately,and neither have the boys, but I think we're starting to turn the corner on all the sickness we've all had over the last few weeks. 

So, finally.  I made my first birthday banner.  I've seen these around everywhere and have been wanting to make one, so I hunkered down and worked on this b-day banner for several hours.  I had no idea how long this would take me to make.  Anyway, I think it's worth the effort.  I found my inspiration over at Nannygoat. She has posted a great tutorial if you need some instructions. 



Jenni said...

It looks just adorable. You did a great job choosing out the patterns. I love it.

DaNette said...

Cute. I have been wanting to make on of these for a couple of months. You have given me some gusto. Maybe I can have it done for Livia's birthday...?

Ball Family said...

Very cute banner! I hope that your little girl had a great birthday! I can't believe she is one!