I took this old, triple pane window that had one glass piece still intact...
scraped off all the flaking paint, windexed the glass and added chicken wire behind the whole thing.
Attached three fabric boards to the back. And there you go. Something old turned into something new.

This was a fun project. I love old windows/doors and can't wait to do another project like this one. Now I just need my hubby to come home so he can help me hang this! I don't do drills.
Oh, and I took clothes pins and mod podged paper on them for the picture hangers.
How on earth do you think of these things? Seriously Hailey, you should use your crafty talents and start an online store or something. Your stuff would be a hit!
I love it! What a great idea, totally original and waaay cute. I love her name on the bottom.
I've been meaning to ask you what you hang her bows on. I saw it in one of your pictures of the bows, it looked cute, maybe another blog post?
You are so talented! It's so cute! How do you get your ideas? You are amazing!
Thanks so much for the e-mail! Wow!! I Absolutely L*O*V*E it!! You are Sooo Creative!! I love your fabric and color choices too! Do you mind if I post the finished window pic on my blog if I link it back to yours? It is just too cute! As far as blog tips...I don't think I really have any good ones. Kari from U-create found my blog and featured a few things that I made and I think that is when it went crazy. I had no idea so many people liked the same stuff as me. But believe me...I love your style...so I don't think it will take long for yours to fly. Let me know if you have any other questions.. and I would love to answer them! Thanks again...and I can't wait to see more of your projects!!
You are just too crafty. That turned out really cute!
That is so cute! I love the details on the clothes pins as well.
Oh my I am soooooo happy to have seen this! I just hunted and found 7 old windows myself over the weekend. I never thought about adding fabric to the back, LOVE IT!!! Thanks!
really cute! that will be so useful!
This is just too cute!!! Now to go a hunting in search for an old window!
I really love the fabric! Did you use any batting? How did you do the fabric panels?? If you don't mind giving me a tip or two??
I did use batting. I used some left over bead board, placed batting on the board, wrapped the fabric tight around the board and stapled it on the back. Then I used a nail gun to attach it to the window on the back.
Oh Thanks so much :)!!!!!
Oooh thanks for the idea! I've had a similar window (4 panes instead of 3 tho') and was wondering what I could do with it!
OH my GOSH>>> this is SO cute!
I love the combination of the chicken wire and the fabric! Found you through your watermark on a photo on FB.
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